Our first IRB human subject research is underway! In the coming weeks, we’ll be testing the prototype Resilient Monitor on healthy volunteers around Pittsburgh to calibrate the sensor’s ability to measure heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen saturation. If you're in the Pittsburgh area and interested in participating please check out our Research page.
In preparation for the study, we decided to spend a day touching up the location, so we got to bust out some paint and power tools in Mid-September. The basement of CMU's Project Olympus is looking pretty good now!
On August 15th, we submitted our Fast-Track proposal to the NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for $3.4M over four years to fund continued development. The proposal included plans for 3 human research studies, a detailed analysis of our scientific approach, and a 12-page commercialization plan for the technology. Funding rates for initial applications are in the 10-20% range, and they increase with revised proposals. The work that went into it helped inform our future research plans and how we communicate our commercialization approach. The experience rekindled Brad’s love affair with Celsius energy drinks.
In July, we built our first fully assembled prototype of the Resilient Monitor! This device is now being used in our feasibility study to calibrate the device’s ability to measure oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, and heart rate.
The summer internship season has come to an end, and we're thankful for the great work that Alex Shen (Software Engineering) and Kevin Chou (Mechanical Engineering) did during the course of their internship. We're very pleased to welcome David Montez, our first full-time hire, who will be leading our algorithm development. David earned his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from University of Pittsburgh, and was working as a Post Doc at Wash U before joining Resilient. We're also happy to welcome Terra Schall, who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at University of Pittsburgh. Terra is serving as a research coordinator for our feasibility study and helping plan future pilot projects (and writing grant proposals) for the team.
We’re looking for partners in communities who treat patients with Opioid Use Disorder and might be interested in partnering with us. If you know anybody that works treating opioid addiction that might be interested, we would appreciate the introduction!
Thank you for your continued support,
Brad + Charlie